Lehi1 exhorts Lemuel to be steadfast like valley, 1 Ne. 2:10.
Nephites look forward with steadfastness unto Christ, 2 Ne. 25:24.
righteous who look forward unto Christ with steadfastness shall not perish, 2 Ne. 26:8.
press forward with steadfastness in Christ, 2 Ne. 31:20.
stand steadfastly in faith of that which is to come, Mosiah 4:11.
be steadfast and immovable, Mosiah 5:15.
faithful stand steadfast in keeping commandments, Alma 1:25.
Christ shall take away sins of those who steadfastly believe on his name, Alma 5:48.
converted Lamanites are steadfast in faith, Hel. 15:8.
because of their steadfastness, the Lord will prolong Lamanites’ days, Hel. 15:10.
believers watch steadfastly for sign of Christ’s birth, 3 Ne. 1:8.
Church broken up except for few Lamanites who are steadfast, 3 Ne. 6:14.
hope for better world makes men sure and steadfast, Ether 12:4.