Plates See also Book; Book of Mormon; Characters; Engrave; Plates, Brass; Plates of Ether; Plates of Jacob; Plates of Mormon; Plates of Nephi, Large; Plates of Nephi, Small; Plates of Zeniff; Record; Scriptures why preserved, D&C 3:19–20. witness of plates desired by Martin Harris, D&C 5:1. Joseph Smith given gift to translate plates, D&C 5:4. Three Witnesses to see plates, D&C 17:1. Moroni2 tells Joseph Smith about book written on gold plates, JS—H 1:34. Moroni2 shows Joseph Smith gold plates, JS—H 1:52–53. Joseph Smith obtains plates, JS—H 1:59. Joseph Smith copies characters from plates and translates them, JS—H 1:62.