Plant See also Grain; Grass; Herb; Seed; Sow [verb]; Till people of Lehi1 begin to plant seeds, 1 Ne. 18:24. I have covered thee in shadow of mine hand that I may plant heavens, 2 Ne. 8:16 (Isa. 51:16). well-beloved planted vineyard with choicest vine, 2 Ne. 15:2 (Isa. 5:2). how comest thou hither to plant this tree, Jacob 5:21. he shall grow up before him as tender plant, Mosiah 14:2 (Isa. 53:2). give place, that seed may be planted in your heart, Alma 32:28, 33 (33:23). ye have exercised faith to plant seed to know if it is good, Alma 32:36 (34:4). people ask how to plant seed, or word, Alma 33:1. Elijah shall plant in hearts of children promises made to fathers, D&C 2:2. Saints to be planted in land of inheritance, D&C 55:5. others shall be planted in stead of those who deny the Lord’s name, D&C 114:2. receive counsel from those the Lord has set as plants of renown, D&C 124:61. the Lord created every plant before it was in earth, Moses 3:5 (Abr. 5:5). the Lord planted garden eastward in Eden, Moses 3:8 (Abr. 5:8). the Lord planted tree of life and tree of knowledge of good and evil, Moses 3:9.