Trample See also Disobedience; Rebel; Tread men trample God under feet, 1 Ne. 19:7. iniquitous king tramples under feet God’s commandments, Mosiah 29:21–22. can ye lay aside these things and trample the Holy One under feet, Alma 5:53. Nephites trample laws of God under their feet, Alma 60:33 (Hel. 4:21–22; 6:31). when the Lord prospers his people, they forget him and trample him under their feet, Hel. 12:2. cast not your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under feet, 3 Ne. 14:6 (Matt. 7:6). do ye suppose ye can get rid of justice of offended God, who hath been trampled under feet of men, 3 Ne. 28:35. Joseph Smith suffered counsel of his director to be trampled upon, D&C 3:15. the Lord has trampled wicked in his fury, D&C 133:51.