divine authority given to servants, D&C 1:6.
whether by the Lord’s voice or by voice of servants, it is same, D&C 1:38.
pray to escape servants of Satan, D&C 10:5.
upon you, my fellow servants, I confer priesthood of Aaron, D&C 13.
how oft have I called you by my servants, D&C 43:25.
he who is ordained is appointed to be greatest servant, even though he is least and servant of all, D&C 50:26.
he who is commanded in all things is slothful and not wise servant, D&C 58:26.
telestial inhabitants shall be servants of the Most High, D&C 76:112.
he who receiveth my servants receiveth me, D&C 84:36.
elders are world’s servants for the Lord’s sake, D&C 93:46.
parable of nobleman and his servants, D&C 101:44–62.
testimony sent abroad through instrumentality of the Lord’s servants, D&C 112:1.
if the Lord’s people will hearken to voice of servants, they will not be moved out of place, D&C 124:45.
those who do not marry by new and everlasting covenant become ministering servants, D&C 132:16.
children of Ephraim are the Lord’s servants, D&C 133:30.
servants of God to proclaim hour of judgment, D&C 133:38.
elder not to interfere with bond-servants, D&C 134:12.
the Lord called Joseph Smith by his angels, ministering servants, D&C 136:37.
the Lord’s servants take gospel to unrighteous spirits, D&C 138:37.