the Lord sent fiery flying serpents among Israelites and prepared way for healing, 1 Ne. 17:41 (2 Ne. 25:20).
old serpent, devil, tempted Eve, 2 Ne. 2:18 (Mosiah 16:3).
out of serpent’s root shall come cockatrice, and his fruit shall be fiery flying serpent, 2 Ne. 24:29 (Isa. 14:29).
the Lord gave Moses power to heal nations bitten by poisonous serpents, 2 Ne. 25:20.
if Israelites would cast eyes unto serpent raised by Moses in wilderness, they would be healed, 2 Ne. 25:20.
brazen serpent lifted up by Moses in wilderness is type of Christ, Hel. 8:14–15 (Alma 33:19–22).
if son asks for fish, will father give him serpent, 3 Ne. 14:10 (Matt. 7:10).
poisonous serpents could not harm Saints, Morm. 8:24.
those that believe shall take up serpents, Morm. 9:24.
poisonous serpents come upon land, Ether 9:31–33.
poisonous serpents are destroyed, Ether 10:19.