serve God with all mind, D&C 4:2 (20:31).
I did enlighten thy mind, D&C 6:15.
did I not speak peace to your mind, D&C 6:23.
I will tell you in your mind, D&C 8:2.
study it out in your mind, D&C 9:8.
mind became darkened, D&C 10:2 (84:54).
the Spirit to enlighten mind, D&C 11:13.
keep commandments with might, mind, D&C 11:20.
sanctification to those who love and serve God with all minds, D&C 20:31.
let solemnities of eternity rest upon minds, D&C 43:34.
with one mind, Saints to gather riches to purchase land, D&C 45:65.
retain in minds what gifts are given to Church, D&C 46:10.
love the Lord with all thy might, mind, D&C 59:5.
the Lord requires heart and willing mind, D&C 64:34.
man cannot see God with carnal or natural mind, D&C 67:10.
that which is spoken by the Holy Ghost shall be mind of the Lord, D&C 68:3–4.
remain steadfast in your minds, D&C 84:61.
he who preaches gospel faithfully shall not be weary in mind, D&C 84:80.
treasure up in your minds continually words of life, D&C 84:85.
sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God, D&C 88:68.
retire and arise early that body and mind may be invigorated, D&C 88:124.
here is wisdom and mind of the Lord, D&C 95:13 (133:61).
President may obtain mind of the Lord by revelation, D&C 102:23.
veil was taken from minds, D&C 110:1.
gross darkness covers minds of people, D&C 112:23.
God blinds minds of his enemies, D&C 121:12.
commandments given according to mind and will of the Lord, D&C 133:61.