Himni—son of Mosiah2 [c. 100–74 B.C.] See also Mosiah2, Sons of unbeliever, Mosiah 27:8. seeks to destroy Church, Mosiah 27:10. converted by angel, Mosiah 27:32. travels through Zarahemla with brothers to repair injuries they had done to Church, Mosiah 27:34–35. Mosiah2 allows sons to preach to Lamanites, Mosiah 28:1–9. refuses to be king, Mosiah 28:10 (29:3; Alma 17:6). Himni’s successful missionary efforts among Lamanites, Alma 23:1–7. rejoices with brethren for success among Lamanites, Alma 25:17. Himni’s great joy at reunion with Alma2, Alma 27:16–19. left in charge of Church when Alma2 and companions begin missionary journey, Alma 31:6.