whosoever goes to law against thee shall be cursed by law, D&C 24:17.
deliver members who kill to laws of land, D&C 42:79.
deliver robbers to law of land, D&C 42:84–85.
deliver liars to law of land, D&C 42:86.
Church to be organized according to laws of man, D&C 44:4.
all things under consecration to be made sure according to laws of land, D&C 51:5–6.
he who keeps God’s laws has no need to break laws of land, D&C 58:21.
obtain knowledge of laws of God and man, D&C 93:53.
people should observe law of land, D&C 98:4–7.
law of land supporting principle of freedom is justifiable before God, D&C 98:5–10.
Saints to befriend constitutional law of land, D&C 98:6.
the Lord has suffered laws and constitution of nation to be established, D&C 101:77.
statement of belief concerning governments and laws in general, D&C 134.
Congress has passed laws forbidding plural marriage, OD 1.
Saints to refrain from entering marriages forbidden by law of land, OD 1.