revelation received after restoration of Aaronic Priesthood, D&C 11: Intro.
Aaronic Priesthood conferred by John the Baptist, D&C 13 (27:8).
holds keys of preparatory gospel and ministering of angels, D&C 13 (84:26; 107:20).
called first priesthood, D&C 27:8.
right of presidency over Aaronic Priesthood belongs to firstborn sons of Aaron, D&C 68:17 (107:16, 76).
Aaronic Priesthood to abide forever with Melchizedek Priesthood, D&C 84:18.
law of carnal commandments continued with house of Aaron1, D&C 84:27.
offices of teacher and deacon are appendages to Aaronic Priesthood, D&C 84:30.
includes Levitical Priesthood, D&C 107:1.
is one of two priesthoods in Church, D&C 107:1, 6, 13.
so named because it was conferred upon Aaron1 and his seed, D&C 107:13.
is called lesser priesthood, appendage to Melchizedek Priesthood, D&C 107:14.
has power to administer in outward ordinances, D&C 107:14, 20.
bishopric is presidency of Aaronic Priesthood, D&C 107:15.
the Lord will justify acts of man who is called as was Aaron1 and endowed with power of Aaronic Priesthood, D&C 132:59.