by Peter, James, and John, the Lord ordained and confirmed Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to be Apostles, D&C 27:12 (128:20).
high priest of Melchizedek Priesthood may be appointed bishop by First Presidency of Melchizedek Priesthood, D&C 68:15, 19 (107:17, 69, 73).
celestial inhabitants are priests of the Most High, after order of Melchizedek, D&C 76:57.
order of Melchizedek Priesthood is after order of Enoch2, order of the Son, D&C 76:57.
keys belong to Presidency of High Priesthood, D&C 81:2.
lineage of Holy Priesthood from Adam to Moses, D&C 84:6–7 (107:40–41).
Melchizedek Priesthood continues in Church of God in all generations, D&C 84:17.
Aaronic Priesthood abides forever with priesthood after holiest order of God, D&C 84:18.
greater priesthood administers gospel and holds keys of mysteries, D&C 84:19.
only in ordinances of Melchizedek Priesthood is power of godliness manifest, D&C 84:20–21.
the Lord took Moses and Holy Priesthood out of midst of Israel, D&C 84:25.
offices of elder and bishop are necessary appendages to high priesthood, D&C 84:29.
oath and covenant of priesthood, D&C 84:33–41.
Melchizedek Priesthood is named after great high priest, D&C 107:2–4.
before Melchizedek it was called Holy Priesthood after Order of the Son of God, D&C 107:3 (124:123).
called Melchizedek Priesthood to avoid too frequent repetition of name, D&C 107:4.
all authorities and offices of Church are appendages to this priesthood, D&C 107:5.
Melchizedek Priesthood holds right of presidency, administers in spiritual things, D&C 107:8–10.
Melchizedek Priesthood holds keys of all spiritual blessings of Church, D&C 107:18.
High Priesthood is greatest of all, D&C 107:64.
one to be appointed of High Priesthood to preside over priesthood, D&C 107:65–66.
no place where the Lord can restore fulness of priesthood, D&C 124:28.
officers of Priesthood hold keys of Melchizedek Priesthood, D&C 124:123.
nature of baptisms for dead consists in binding power of priesthood, D&C 128:8.
in order to enter highest degree of celestial kingdom, man must enter into priesthood order of marriage, D&C 131:2.
only one on earth at a time to whom sealing power and keys of priesthood are given, D&C 132:7.
I have conferred upon you keys and power of priesthood, D&C 132:45.