after the Messiah has been slain by Jews, he shall rise from dead, 1Â Ne. 10:11.
the Son to be lifted up upon cross and slain for sins of world, 1Â Ne. 11:33 (Alma 30:26; 3Â Ne. 11:14).
God to yield himself to wicked men to be crucified, 1Â Ne. 19:10.
three days of darkness to be sign of Christ’s death, 1 Ne. 19:10 (Hel. 14:14, 20, 27; 3 Ne. 8:3, 19–23; 10:9).
Jews to crucify God, 1Â Ne. 19:13 (2Â Ne. 10:3, 5; 25:13; Morm. 3:21).
the Messiah lays down life according to flesh, 2Â Ne. 2:8.
Jews will scourge and crucify the Holy One, Jesus Christ, 2Â Ne. 6:9 (Mosiah 3:9).
the great Creator suffers himself to die for all men, 2Â Ne. 9:5.
no other nation would crucify their God, 2Â Ne. 10:3.
signs to be given of the Messiah’s birth, death, Resurrection, 2 Ne. 26:3.
God lays down his life that he might draw men unto him, 2Â Ne. 26:24 (3Â Ne. 27:14).
he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, Mosiah 14:5 (Isa. 53:5).
he made his grave with wicked and with rich in his death, Mosiah 14:9 (Isa. 53:9).
he has poured out his soul unto death, was numbered with transgressors, bore sins of many, Mosiah 14:12 (Isa. 53:12).
the Son shall be led, crucified, and slain, Mosiah 15:7.
Resurrection and Redemption brought to pass through power, sufferings, death of Christ, Mosiah 18:2 (Hel. 14:16; Morm. 9:13).
the Son will take upon him death, that he may loose bands of death, Alma 7:12 (11:42).
priests hold forth coming, sufferings, death of the Son, Alma 16:19.
no redemption save through death and sufferings of Christ, Alma 21:9.
sufferings and death of Christ atone for sins, Alma 22:14.
as Moses lifted up brazen serpent, so shall the Son be lifted up, Hel. 8:14.
the Son must die that salvation may come, Hel. 14:15.
prophets testify boldly of Christ’s death and sufferings, 3 Ne. 6:20.
for repentant, Christ has laid down his life, 3Â Ne. 9:22.
the Father sent Christ that he might be lifted up upon cross, 3Â Ne. 27:14.
before Christ was lifted up by Jews, John desired to tarry, 3Â Ne. 28:6.
all men are redeemed because death of Christ brings to pass Resurrection, Morm. 9:13.
writings of brother of Jared2 not to come forth until after the Lord is lifted up upon cross, Ether 4:1.
the Lord has loved world, even unto laying down life for world, Ether 12:33.
may Christ’s sufferings and death rest in your mind forever, Moro. 9:25.