Act See also Agency; Deed; Walk; Work [noun] if no God, there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon, 2 Ne. 2:13. God gave unto man to act for himself, 2 Ne. 2:16 (Hel. 14:30). because of Atonement men become free to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, 2 Ne. 2:26. to receive the Holy Ghost, men must act no hypocrisy or deception before God, 2 Ne. 31:13. through transgression man was placed in state to act according to his will, Alma 12:31. secret acts shall be revealed, D&C 1:3 (88:108–10). Saints to instruct each other how to act, D&C 43:8. bind yourselves to act in holiness before the Lord, D&C 43:9. every man to act in doctrine and principle, D&C 101:78. Seventy are to act in name of the Lord, D&C 107:34. every man to learn his duty and act in his office, D&C 107:99. God holds men accountable for their acts in relation to governments, D&C 134:1.