seek riches to administer relief to sick and afflicted, Jacob 2:19.
administer of your substance to those in need, Mosiah 4:16.
to retain remission of sins, administer relief to needy, Mosiah 4:26.
lawyers hired to administer law at trials, Alma 10:14.
Alma2 administers to Amulek in his tribulations, Alma 15:18.
Ammonites administer unto Zoramites2 according to their wants, Alma 35:9.
covenant of secret combinations administered by devil, 3 Ne. 6:28.
wicked churches administer that which was sacred unto unworthy, 4 Ne. 1:27.
robbers administered oaths after manner of ancients, Ether 10:33.
elders and priests administered flesh and blood of Christ unto Church, Moro. 4:1.
manner of administering sacrament wine, Moro. 5.