Animal See also Ass; Bear [noun]; Beast; Bee; Calf; Cattle; Chickens; Cow; Creature; Creep; Cumoms; Cureloms; Dog; Dove; Dragon; Eagle; Elephant; Firstling; Fish; Flock; Food; Fowl; Game; Goat; Hen; Horse; Insect; Lamb; Meat; Ox; Serpent; Sheep; Swine; Viper; Vultures; BD Animals beasts of every kind found during journey through wilderness, 1 Ne. 18:25. Nephites begin to raise animals of every kind, 2 Ne. 5:11. Bountiful2 filled with wild animals of every kind, Alma 22:31. Jaredites raise many kinds of animals useful for food, Ether 9:18. land southward covered with animals of forest, Ether 10:19. animals are for use of man, D&C 89:12. barley for all useful animals, D&C 89:17. creation of animals, Moses 2:24–25 (3:19; Abr. 4:24–25).