wilt thou make me shake at appearance of sin, 2 Ne. 4:31.
angel appeared to Alma2 and sons of Mosiah2, Mosiah 27:11.
angel appeared to Alma2 on road from Ammonihah, Alma 8:14.
angel appeared to Amulek, Alma 10:7.
why do not angels appear unto us, Alma 21:5.
devil appeared to Korihor in form of angel, Alma 30:53.
it appears to man that sun stands still, Hel. 12:15.
because of lights in heavens, night shall appear as day, Hel. 14:3.
risen Saints shall appear to many, Hel. 14:25 (3 Ne. 23:11).
angels appear to wise men to fulfill scriptures, Hel. 16:14.
it is by faith that angels appear, Moro. 7:37.