this is mine authority and authority of my servants, D&C 1:6.
Joseph Smith called of God, D&C 20:2.
license permitting elder to perform duty, D&C 20:63–64.
Emma Smith called by the Lord, D&C 25:3.
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery called and ordained, even as Aaron1, D&C 27:8.
no one to receive commandments and revelation for Church except one appointed, D&C 28:2 (43:2–7).
declare the commandments with authority, D&C 28:3.
Oliver Cowdery to write by way of wisdom, not commandment, D&C 28:5.
no one to preach gospel unless ordained by someone who has authority, D&C 42:11.
many use name of the Lord in vain, having not authority, D&C 63:62.
elders to preach gospel, acting in authority, D&C 68:8.
descendant of Aaron1 not authorized unless designated and ordained by Presidency, D&C 68:20.
angel who was in authority rebelled, D&C 76:25.
power of godliness not manifest without authority, D&C 84:21.
Melchizedek Priesthood has authority to administer in spiritual things, D&C 107:8, 18–19.
authority of Aaronic Priesthood is to administer in outward ordinances, D&C 107:20.
Twelve are duly recommended and authorized, D&C 112:21.
put on authority of priesthood, D&C 113:8.
unrighteous dominion practiced by those who get a little authority, D&C 121:39.
pure in heart shall seek authority, D&C 122:2.
Twelve hold keys to open up authority of kingdom, D&C 124:128.
what is done by divine authority becomes law, D&C 128:9.
religious society has authority to deal with men for fellowship, D&C 134:10.
truth proclaimed in great power and authority, D&C 138:26.
Lord appointed messengers clothed with power and authority, D&C 138:30.