traveling bishops have privilege of ordaining where there is no branch, D&C 20:66.
bishop to be ordained by direction of high council or general conference, D&C 20:67.
Edward Partridge to be ordained a bishop, D&C 41:9.
properties consecrated for support of poor are given to bishop, D&C 42:31 (51:5).
bishop to administer storehouse, D&C 42:34 (51:13).
bishop to receive support or just remuneration for service, D&C 42:73 (51:14).
bishop to be present when transgressors are tried before the elders, D&C 42:82.
bishop is responsible for discerning spiritual gifts, D&C 46:27, 29.
families to be gathered to new city as appointed by Presidency and bishop, D&C 48:6.
bishop is responsible for dividing lands among Saints, D&C 58:17.
bishop to be judge in Israel, D&C 58:17 (64:40).
if unfaithful in stewardship, bishop will be condemned, D&C 64:40 (68:23).
other bishops to be set apart, D&C 68:14 (72:2; 107:75).
worthy high priests may be appointed bishops, D&C 68:15, 19 (107:17, 69–76).
literal descendants of Aaron1 have legal right to office of bishop, D&C 68:15–21 (107:16, 69, 76).
descendants of Aaron1 must be ordained to office of bishop, D&C 68:20.
bishop to be tried only before Presidency, D&C 68:22–24.
bishop not exempt from law of stewardship, D&C 70:11.
elders to render account of their stewardship unto bishop, D&C 72:5 (72:16).
duty of bishop to be made known by commandments, D&C 72:7.
Newel K. Whitney called to be bishop, D&C 72:8.
duties of bishop, D&C 72:10–16 (107:73–76).
office of bishop a necessary appendage to High Priesthood, D&C 84:29.
bishop to care for poor, D&C 84:112.
bishop must be ordained by Presidency, D&C 107:17.
bishop administers all temporal things, D&C 107:68.
descendant of Aaron1 may act in office of bishop without counselors, D&C 107:76.
president of Aaronic Priesthood is to be bishop, D&C 107:87–88 (68:16–17).
bishop is to aid in disposition of tithing, D&C 120.