Messiah shall be manifested in body, 1 Ne. 15:13.
torment of body or final state of soul after death of temporal body, 1 Ne. 15:31–32.
warning against incurring God’s displeasure unto eternal destruction of soul and body, 2 Ne. 1:22.
body of Nephi1 carried away on wings of the Spirit, 2 Ne. 4:25.
in bodies we shall see God, 2 Ne. 9:4.
God prepares way for escape from death of body, 2 Ne. 9:10.
grave must deliver up body of righteous, 2 Ne. 9:13.
the Lord will suffer pain of body, Mosiah 3:7.
salvation comes to him who continues in faith unto end of life of mortal body, Mosiah 4:6.
baptism a covenant to serve God until man is dead as to mortal body, Mosiah 18:13.
mortal body to be raised in immortality, Alma 5:15 (11:45).
spirit and body to be reunited in perfect form, Alma 11:43–45.
soul of Alma2 carried away from body because of great joy, Alma 29:16.
same spirit that possesses mortal bodies will possess body in eternal world, Alma 34:34.
oh that I could become extinct both soul and body, Alma 36:15.
state of soul after it leaves mortal body, Alma 40:11–14.
First Resurrection means reuniting of soul with body of those from Adam to Christ’s Resurrection, Alma 40:18.
space between death and resurrection of body, Alma 40:21.
soul shall be restored to body, Alma 40:23.
every part of body to be restored, Alma 41:2.
Christ shows body unto Nephites, 3 Ne. 10:19.
light of body is the eye, 3 Ne. 13:22 (Matt. 6:22).
broken bread is in remembrance of Christ’s body, 3 Ne. 18:7 (20:8; Moro. 4:3).
Three Nephites seem to be transfigured from body of flesh into immortal state, 3 Ne. 28:15, 37.
bodies moldering in corruption must soon become incorruptible bodies, Morm. 6:21.
brother of Jared2 sees body of the Lord’s spirit, Ether 3:16–17.
body and spirit shall reunite, Moro. 10:34.