Joseph Smith to translate Book of Mormon by power of God, D&C 1:29 (17:6; 20:8; 135:3).
Martin Harris loses 116 pages of translation, D&C 3: Intro. (10:1).
plates preserved that Lamanites might be brought to knowledge of fathers, D&C 3:19–20.
Joseph Smith not to show plates unless commanded, D&C 5:3.
Joseph Smith given gift to translate plates, D&C 5:4 (20:8).
Oliver Cowdery has testimony of Book of Mormon, D&C 6: Intro.
Oliver Cowdery desires gift of translating Book of Mormon, D&C 8: Intro.
revelation regarding loss of manuscript, D&C 10.
Book of Mormon translated by means of Urim and Thummim, D&C 10:1.
account of lost translation is engraven on plates of Nephi, D&C 10:38–40.
translation of plates of Nephi to be substituted for lost pages, D&C 10:41–42.
many things on plates of Nephi and remainder of plates throw greater views upon gospel, D&C 10:45–46.
revelation to Three Witnesses regarding Book of Mormon, D&C 17.
the Lord testifies that Book of Mormon is true, D&C 17:6.
impart freely of property to printing of Book of Mormon, D&C 19:26.
contains truth and word of God, D&C 19:26–27.
contains fulness of gospel, D&C 20:8–12 (27:5; 42:12).
is record of fallen people, D&C 20:9.
is given by inspiration and confirmed to others by ministering of angels, D&C 20:10.
those who accept Book of Mormon receive crown of eternal life, D&C 20:14.
those who reject Book of Mormon will be condemned, D&C 20:15.
Joseph Smith called and chosen to write Book of Mormon, D&C 24:1.
Moroni2 sent to reveal Book of Mormon, D&C 27:5.
given for instruction, D&C 33:16.
elders to teach from Book of Mormon, D&C 42:12.
Zion condemned until they remember new covenant, even Book of Mormon, D&C 84:57.
Moroni2 declares Book of Mormon, D&C 128:20.