to be carnally-minded is death, 2 Ne. 9:39 (Rom. 8:6).
devil lulls men away into carnal security, 2 Ne. 28:21.
Benjamin’s people view themselves in carnal state, Mosiah 4:2.
wicked are carnal and devilish, Mosiah 16:3 (Alma 42:10).
Fall caused all mankind to become carnal, Mosiah 16:3.
he who persists in his carnal nature remains in his fallen state, Mosiah 16:5.
those delivered up to damnation have gone according to their own carnal wills, Mosiah 16:12.
many in rising generation refuse baptism and remain in carnal state, Mosiah 26:4.
those born of God are changed from carnal and fallen state to state of righteousness, Mosiah 27:25.
Aaron3 explains Fall of man and carnal state, Alma 22:13.
Korihor teaches devil’s words because they are pleasing to carnal mind, Alma 30:53.
knowledge of Alma2 comes not of carnal mind but of God, Alma 36:4.
all men in carnal state are in gall of bitterness, Alma 41:11.
restoration is to bring back carnal for carnal, Alma 41:13.