Catch, Caught See also Carry; Ensnare Nephi1 caught away in the Spirit into high mountain, 1 Ne. 11:1. lawyers try to catch Alma2 and Amulek in their words, Alma 10:13. Amulek caught Zeezrom in his lying, Alma 12:1. adversary had laid snare to catch people of Ammonihah, Alma 12:6. Ammon2 caught Lamoni with guile, Alma 18:23. disciples caught up into heaven, 3 Ne. 28:13. evil men try to catch Joseph Smith in discrepancies of translation, D&C 10:13, 25–26. Saints alive at the Lord’s coming shall be quickened and caught up, D&C 88:96 (101:31; 109:75). Moses is caught up into mountain, Moses 1:1. Adam is caught up by the Spirit, Moses 6:64. many are caught up into Zion, Moses 7:27.