God pleads the cause of his people, 2 Ne. 8:22 (Moro. 7:28).
serpent’s beguiling of our first parents was cause of Fall, Mosiah 16:3.
consider cause which ye are called to consider, Mosiah 29:5.
Zeezrom seeks cause to destroy Amulek, Alma 11:25.
Lamanites have been cause of much mourning among Nephites, Alma 19:14.
if a man knoweth a thing, he hath no cause to believe, Alma 32:18.
Nephites inspired by better cause, Alma 43:45.
Moroni1 prays that cause of Christians might be favored, Alma 46:16.
Amalickiahites who will not support cause of freedom are put to death, Alma 46:35.
God prepared plants and roots to remove cause of diseases, Alma 46:40.
Nephites prepare to maintain what enemies call cause of Christians, Alma 48:10.
chief judge appointed with oath to maintain cause of God, Alma 50:39.
king-men obliged to maintain cause of freedom, Alma 51:7, 17.
Nephites will maintain their religion and cause of their God, Alma 54:10.
Nephites have died in cause of their country and their God, Alma 56:11.
Nephites fixed with determination to maintain cause of liberty, Alma 58:12.
if all Nephites had been true to cause of freedom, they would have dispersed their enemies, Alma 60:16.
Moroni1 defends cause of his country according to God’s commandments, Alma 60:28.
Pahoran1 rejoices in cause of his Redeemer and his God, Alma 61:14.
Pahoran1 not a traitor to cause of his country, Alma 62:1.
death inflicted upon those who are not true to cause of freedom, Alma 62:11.
signs given that there should be no cause for unbelief, Hel. 14:28.
Christ advocates cause of children of men, Moro. 7:28.