shake off awful chains by which ye are bound, 2Â Ne. 1:13 (9:45).
devil will grasp wicked with his everlasting chains, 2Â Ne. 28:19.
fathers loosed from chains of hell that encircled them, Alma 5:7, 9–10.
adversary lays snares that he might encircle people with his chains, Alma 12:6.
chains of hell means to be taken captive by devil and led by his will, Alma 12:11.
those who die in their sins shall be chained down to everlasting destruction, Alma 12:17.
may the Lord grant unto you repentance, that ye not be bound down by chains of hell, Alma 13:30.
have mercy on me, who am encircled by chains of death, Alma 36:18.