abominable church slays Saints, 1 Ne. 13:5, 9.
devil is founder of great and abominable church, 1 Ne. 13:6 (14:3, 9, 17).
precious clothing and harlots are desires of great and abominable church, 1 Ne. 13:7–8.
great and abominable church takes away plain and precious parts of gospel, 1 Ne. 13:26–28, 32, 34.
great and abominable church digs pit for Saints, 1 Ne. 14:3 (22:14).
great and abominable church is mother of abominations, 1 Ne. 14:9–10, 13, 16.
those who do not belong to Church of the Lamb belong to that great church, 1 Ne. 14:10.
wrath of God to be poured out on great and abominable church, 1 Ne. 14:17.
blood of great and abominable church shall turn upon their own heads, 1 Ne. 22:13.
great and abominable church shall tumble to dust, 1 Ne. 22:14 (2 Ne. 28:18).
if Gentiles do not unite themselves to great and abominable church, they shall be saved, 2 Ne. 6:12.