Claim See also Justice; Mercy; Profess Mosiah2 fears son might later claim right to kingdom, Mosiah 29:9. Christ claims all those who have faith in him, Moro. 7:28. transgressor shall not have power to claim what he has consecrated to bishop, D&C 51:5. Saints to purchase lands, that they might have claim on world, D&C 63:27. descendant of Aaron1 may claim anointing if he can prove lineage, D&C 68:21. stewards over literary concerns have claim for assistance upon bishop, D&C 72:20. Saints to have equal claims on properties, D&C 82:17. women have claim upon husbands for maintenance, D&C 83:2. children have claim upon parents, then Church, for maintenance, D&C 83:4–5. Pharaohs claim right of priesthood from Noah1, Abr. 1:27.