two elders or high priests to be appointed bishop’s counselors, D&C 42:31, 71.
bishop’s counselors to be supported out of storehouse or remuneration, D&C 42:71–72.
bishop to judge by assistance of counselors, D&C 58:18 (107:72).
Frederick G. Williams called as counselor to Joseph Smith, D&C 81:1.
descendant of Aaron1 can act as bishop without counselors, D&C 107:76.
Twelve are called to assist Presidency as counselors, D&C 107:79.
the Lord has made First Presidency counselors and leaders of Twelve, D&C 112:20, 30.
Sidney Rigdon is called as counselor to Joseph Smith, D&C 124:126.
counselors given for presidents of priests, teachers, deacons, stake, D&C 124:142.