those who accept gospel will receive crown of eternal life, immortality, D&C 20:14 (66:12; 75:5; 81:6; 138:51).
thou shalt receive crown of righteousness, D&C 25:15.
dead who die in the Lord will receive crown of righteousness, D&C 29:13.
faithful to be crowned with joy, D&C 52:43.
after tribulation, Saints to be crowned with glory, D&C 58:4.
those who die in Zion will receive crown in mansions of the Father, D&C 59:2.
those not valiant obtain not crown, D&C 76:79.
Christ to be crowned with crown of glory, D&C 76:108.
the Lord prepares Saints to come up unto crown prepared for them, D&C 78:15.
Frederick G. Williams to have crown of immortality, D&C 81:6.
earth to be crowned with glory, D&C 88:19.
angels to be crowned with glory, D&C 88:107.
martyrs to be crowned with glory, D&C 101:15.
Saints to be crowned with celestial glory, D&C 101:65 (109:76).
the Lord has promised Saints crown of glory at his right hand, D&C 104:7.
Hyrum Smith to be crowned with same blessings as Joseph Smith, D&C 124:95.
the Lord to give Joseph Smith crowns of eternal lives, D&C 132:55.
those from north countries to be crowned with glory, D&C 133:32.