mist of darkness in dream of Lehi1 is temptations of devil, 1 Ne. 8:23–24 (12:17).
go forth to them that sit in darkness, 1Â Ne. 21:9.
Israel shall be brought out of obscurity and darkness, 1Â Ne. 22:12.
the Messiah to be made manifest unto branch of Israel to bring them out of hidden darkness unto light, 2Â Ne. 3:5.
the Lord will destroy secret works of darkness, 2Â Ne. 10:15.
wo unto them that put darkness for light and light for darkness, 2Â Ne. 15:20 (Isa. 5:20).
because the Lord’s people choose darkness rather than light, they must go down to hell, 2 Ne. 26:10.
God works not in darkness, 2Â Ne. 26:23.
wo unto people whose works are in dark, 2Â Ne. 27:27 (28:9).
deaf shall hear words of book, and blind shall see out of obscurity and darkness, 2Â Ne. 27:29.
scales of darkness shall fall from Lamanites’ eyes, 2 Ne. 30:6.
no work of darkness save it shall be made manifest, 2Â Ne. 30:17.
those who ask not must perish in dark, 2Â Ne. 32:4.
fathers were in midst of darkness, Alma 5:7.
dark veil of unbelief is cast from Lamoni’s mind, Alma 19:6.
Lamanites in darkest abyss before brought to light of God, Alma 26:3.
if we do not improve our time in this life, then cometh night of darkness, Alma 34:33.
the Lord will prepare stone which shall shine forth in darkness unto light, Alma 37:23–24.
the Lord will bring forth secret works out of darkness unto light, Alma 37:23, 25–26.
Helaman2 to hold back secret covenants lest people fall into darkness, Alma 37:27.
curse upon land, judgments of God, destruction upon workers of darkness, Alma 37:28, 30.
spirits of wicked to be cast into outer darkness, Alma 40:13–14.
repentant are delivered from endless night of darkness, Alma 41:7.
devil is being who spreads works of darkness, Hel. 6:28–30.
how long will ye choose darkness rather than light, Hel. 13:29.
if eye be evil, whole body shall be full of darkness, 3Â Ne. 13:23 (Matt. 6:23).
record shall be brought out of darkness unto light, shall shine forth in darkness, Morm. 8:16.