days of children of men were prolonged, that they might repent while in flesh, 2 Ne. 2:21.
men are free to not be acted upon save by punishment at last day, 2 Ne. 2:26.
Joseph1 truly saw our day, 2 Ne. 3:5.
men must continue in path until end of day of probation, 2 Ne. 33:9.
people shall be judged out of records at last day, W of M 1:11.
all shall stand before God to be judged at last day, Alma 33:22.
now is day of your salvation, Alma 34:31.
day of this life is day for men to perform labors, Alma 34:32.
do not procrastinate day of repentance until end, Alma 34:33.
all is as one day with God, Alma 40:8.
those who desire to do evil all day shall have reward of evil when night comes, Alma 41:5.
day to come when those now numbered among Nephites shall be numbered among Lamanites, Alma 45:13–14.
from west sea to east is day’s journey, Hel. 4:7.
if God say unto earth to lengthen day for many hours, it is done, Hel. 12:14.
in last day some shall be cast out, Hel. 12:25.
sign of Christ’s birth to be one day and night and day as one day, Hel. 14:4 (3 Ne. 1:8, 19).
day set apart that believers should be put to death except sign be given, 3 Ne. 1:9.
O that we had repented before this great and dreadful day, 3 Ne. 8:24.
sufficient is day unto evil thereof, 3 Ne. 13:34 (Matt. 6:34).
in latter day shall truth come unto Gentiles, 3 Ne. 16:7.
day cometh that shall burn as oven, 3 Ne. 25:1 (Mal. 4:1).
Ether hid himself in cavity of rock by day, Ether 13:13.