Deed See also Act; Do; Doing; Judgment; Work [noun] if ye do not watch words and deeds, ye must perish, Mosiah 4:30. men will be judged according to deeds done in mortal body, Alma 5:15 (36:15). in last day it shall be restored unto him according to his deeds, Alma 42:27. the Lord will make Nephi2 mighty in word and deed, Hel. 10:5. Nephites would call prophet false because he testified their deeds were evil, Hel. 13:26. the Lord has hated Lamanites because their deeds have been evil, Hel. 15:4. because deeds of wicked are evil, they do not ask the Lord, D&C 10:21. those whose deeds are evil will receive their wages, D&C 29:45. consecrate properties with deed which cannot be broken, D&C 42:30. let God reward according to deeds, D&C 64:11. elders to reprove world because of ungodly deeds, D&C 84:117. the Lord will come quickly to convince all of their ungodly deeds, D&C 99:5. Newel K. Whitney to be bishop, not in name but in deed, D&C 117:11.