Nephi1 delights in scriptures, in things of the Lord, 2 Ne. 4:15–16 (11:2, 4–6; 25:5).
devil delights in those who worship idols, 2 Ne. 9:37.
my heart delights in righteousness, 2 Ne. 9:49.
let your soul delight in fatness, 2 Ne. 9:51.
Nephi1 delights in plainness, 2 Ne. 25:4 (31:3).
Nephi1 delights to prophesy concerning Christ, 2 Ne. 25:13.
God delights in chastity, Jacob 2:28.
Moroni1 does not delight in bloodshed, Alma 48:11.
Nephites delight in everything save that which is good, Moro. 9:19.