Depth depths of fountain of filthy water are depths of hell, 1Â Ne. 12:16. Lehi1 brought down into depths of sorrow for murmuring, 1Â Ne. 16:25. men must humble themselves in depths of humility, 2Â Ne. 9:42 (Mosiah 4:11; Alma 62:41; Hel. 6:5; 3Â Ne. 12:2). ask sign of the Lord, either in depths or in heights, 2Â Ne. 17:11 (Isa. 7:11). depths of earth shall swallow up those who kill prophets and Saints, 2Â Ne. 26:5. how unsearchable are depths of mysteries of the Lord, Jacob 4:8. better if sinner had been drowned in depth of sea, D&C 54:5 (121:22). depth of torment no man knows except those ordained to it, D&C 76:48. he whose marriage is sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise shall inherit all heights and depths, D&C 132:19.