land far northward that had been peopled and destroyed, Alma 22:30–31.
place of first landing of people of Zarahemla, Alma 22:30.
day and a half journey from east to west sea, Alma 22:32.
Moroni1 names land south of Desolation land of liberty, Alma 46:17.
Nephites overtake Morianton2 in Desolation, Alma 50:33–34.
Hagoth’s ships built near Desolation, Alma 63:5.
land appointed for gathering extends to line between Bountiful2 and Desolation, 3 Ne. 3:23.
Mormon2 causes people to gather in Desolation, Morm. 3:5.
Lamanites possess Desolation, Morm. 4:1–2, 19.
near land of Moron, Ether 7:6.