Jerusalem must be destroyed, 1 Ne. 1:4 (7:13; 17:43; 2 Ne. 1:4; Hel. 8:20–21).
abominable church destroys Saints of God, 1 Ne. 13:8–9.
hardhearted to be brought down to destruction, both temporally and spiritually, 1 Ne. 14:7.
the Lord curses land against children of land unto their destruction, 1 Ne. 17:32, 35.
the Lord destroys nations of wicked, 1 Ne. 17:37–38.
all who fight against Zion shall be destroyed, 1 Ne. 22:14.
God shall not suffer that wicked destroy righteous, 1 Ne. 22:16.
Lehi1 exhorts sons to unity, that they not incur God’s displeasure unto destruction, 2 Ne. 1:21–22.
seed of Joseph2 shall not utterly be destroyed, 2 Ne. 3:3.
seed of Lemuel shall not utterly be destroyed, 2 Ne. 4:9.
they that believe not in the Messiah shall be destroyed, 2 Ne. 6:15.
because of iniquities, destructions shall come upon Jews, 2 Ne. 10:6 (25:9).
they shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, 2 Ne. 21:9 (30:15; Isa. 11:9).
destruction of Jews from generation to generation always foretold by prophets, 2 Ne. 25:9.
after the Messiah rises from dead, Jerusalem shall be destroyed again, 2 Ne. 25:14.
they who kill prophets shall be visited with all manner of destructions, 2 Ne. 26:5–6.
righteous who destroy not prophets shall not perish, 2 Ne. 26:8.
the Lord will destroy wicked, even by fire, 2 Ne. 30:10.
prophets prophesy of destruction among people, Enos 1:23 (Ether 11:1).
Alma2 and sons of Mosiah2 seek to destroy Church, Mosiah 27:10 (Alma 36:6).
when voice of people chooses iniquity, God will visit them with destruction, Mosiah 29:27 (Alma 10:18–19).
priestcraft would prove entire destruction of Nephites, Alma 1:12.
Amlici’s intent is to destroy Church, Alma 2:4.
if not for prayers of righteous, people would be visited now with destruction, Alma 10:22 (Hel. 13:13).
foundation of destruction of people is laid by unrighteous lawyers and judges, Alma 10:27.
those who die in sins will be chained down to everlasting destruction, Alma 12:17, 36.
word destroys craft of Zoramites2, Alma 35:3.
if thou wilt of thyself be destroyed, seek no more to destroy Church, Alma 36:9.
Alma2 had murdered many, or led them away unto destruction, Alma 36:14.
to reclaim man from temporal death would destroy plan of happiness, Alma 42:8.
work of justice could not be destroyed, Alma 42:13.
Amalickiah seeks to destroy Church, Alma 46:10.
Nephites are ripening for destruction because laws are corrupt, Hel. 5:2 (6:40; 11:37).
devil dragged Jaredites down to destruction, Hel. 6:28.
when people cast out righteous, they are ripe for destruction, Hel. 13:14.
your destruction is made sure, Hel. 13:32, 38.
many great destructions has the Lord caused to come upon Nephites because of iniquity, 3 Ne. 9:12.
see if all these destructions are not unto fulfilling of prophecies, 3 Ne. 10:14.
Christ came not to destroy law or prophets, but to fulfill, 3 Ne. 12:17 (Matt. 5:17).
the Lord will rebuke devourer and he shall not destroy fruits, 3 Ne. 24:11 (Mal. 3:11).
O that you had repented before this great destruction came upon you, Morm. 6:22.
Moroni2 remains alone to write tale of his people’s destruction, Morm. 8:3.
Moroni2 gives account of Jaredites from tower to destruction, Ether 1:5.
Jaredites to be destroyed if they do not repent, Ether 7:23.
secret combinations have caused destruction of Jaredites and Nephites, Ether 8:21.
suffer not that murderous combinations bring work of destruction upon you, Ether 8:23.
those who possess land to be destroyed when ripened in iniquity, Ether 9:20.
Ether views destructions which came upon Jaredites, Ether 13:14.
Jaredites given up to hardness of hearts, that they might be destroyed, Ether 15:19.