the Lord commits dispensation of gospel for last times, for fulness of times, D&C 27:13 (112:30; 121:31; 128:18).
Elias committed dispensation of gospel of Abraham, D&C 110:12.
keys of this dispensation are committed, D&C 110:16.
power of priesthood held in connection with that of earlier dispensations, D&C 112:31.
keys of this dispensation come down from fathers, D&C 112:32.
all knowledge revealed in this dispensation, D&C 121:31.
whenever the Lord has given dispensation of priesthood, power which binds in heaven also given, D&C 128:9.
welding together of dispensations, D&C 128:18.
Peter, James, and John possess keys of dispensation, D&C 128:20.
voices of angels all declaring their dispensation, D&C 128:21.
great work to be done in temples in dispensation of fulness of times, D&C 138:48.
faithful elders of this dispensation continue labors among dead, D&C 138:57.