waters of Red Sea were divided, 1 Ne. 4:2 (17:26).
terrible gulf divides spacious building and tree of life, 1 Ne. 12:18.
many waters divided Gentiles from seed of Lamanites, 1 Ne. 13:10.
the Lord will cause great division among people, 2 Ne. 30:10.
division among people of Noah3, Mosiah 19:2.
spirits will be united with bodies, never to be divided, Alma 11:45.
great division between freemen and king-men, Alma 51:6.
sons of Pahoran1 cause three divisions among the people, Hel. 1:4.
people were divided one against another, 3 Ne. 7:2 (4 Ne. 1:35).
Nephites divided into tribes, 3 Ne. 7:14.
people are divided into classes, 4 Ne. 1:26.
the Lord brings Jaredites to great sea which divides lands, Ether 2:13.