I will go and do things which the Lord hath commanded, 1 Ne. 3:7.
the Lord doing all things for Israel that were expedient for man to receive, 1 Ne. 17:30.
if God had commanded me to do all things, I could do them, 1 Ne. 17:50.
by grace we are saved, after all we can do, 2 Ne. 25:23.
the Lord does not anything save for benefit of world, 2 Ne. 26:24.
God does nothing save it be plain unto men, 2 Ne. 26:33.
Lord, how is it done, Enos 1:7.
how much more cursed is he who knows God’s will and does it not, Alma 32:19.
whosoever does iniquity does it unto himself, Hel. 14:30.
whoso hears sayings and does them is like man who built house upon rock, 3 Ne. 14:24 (Matt. 7:24; Luke 6:47–48).
this shall ye always observe to do, even as I have done, 3 Ne. 18:6.
ye know things ye must do in my Church, 3 Ne. 27:21.