Doctrine, False See also Antichrist; Apostasy; Churches, False; Contention; Err; Foolish; Persuade; Precept; Prophets, False; Tenet; Tradition writings of descendants of Joseph1 and Judah shall confound false doctrines, 2 Ne. 3:12. many shall teach vain, foolish, false doctrines, 2 Ne. 28:9. because of false doctrine, churches will be corrupted, 2 Ne. 28:12. many go forth preaching false doctrines for riches and honor, Alma 1:16. receive not teachings of any who come before you as revelations or commandments, D&C 43:5. be not seduced by doctrines of devils, D&C 46:7. that which does not edify is not of God, D&C 50:23. many are blinded by subtle craftiness of men, D&C 123:12. professors of religion teach for doctrines commandments of men, JS—H 1:19.