Drink See also Cup; Drunk; Eat; Partake; Sacrament; Thirst; Wine they who do iniquity shall stagger, but not with strong drink, 2 Ne. 27:4. he who dies in his sins drinks damnation to his soul, Mosiah 2:33 (3:18, 25). come unto me and ye shall drink of waters of life freely, Alma 5:34. Amalickiah swears to drink blood of Moroni1, Alma 49:27 (51:9). believers shall drink any deadly thing and it shall not hurt them, Morm. 9:24. I will drink of fruit of vine with you, D&C 27:5. strong drink is not good, D&C 89:5, 7. hot drinks not for body or belly, D&C 89:9. barley and other grain for mild drinks, D&C 89:17.