kings and queens shall lick up dust of thy feet, 1Â Ne. 21:23 (2Â Ne. 6:7, 13; Isa. 49:23).
abominable church shall tumble to dust, 1Â Ne. 22:14.
awake and arise from dust, 2Â Ne. 1:14 (Moro. 10:31).
fruit of loins of Nephi1 to cry as from dust, 2 Ne. 3:19–20.
Nephites and Lamanites to be brought low in dust, 2Â Ne. 26:15.
speech of those who are destroyed shall be low out of dust, 2Â Ne. 26:16 (Isa. 29:4).
words of book are words of those who have slumbered in dust, 2Â Ne. 27:9.
Nephi1 speaks as voice of one crying from dust, 2Â Ne. 33:13.
all flesh is of dust, Jacob 2:21.
men were created of dust of earth, Mosiah 2:25 (Morm. 9:17).
humble yourselves even to dust, Alma 34:38.
children of men are less than dust of earth, Hel. 12:7 (Mosiah 2:25).
Saints who have gone before will cry, even from dust, Morm. 8:23.
Moroni2 declares his words like one speaking out of dust, Moro. 10:27.