peace shall be taken from earth, D&C 1:35.
earth shall pass away, D&C 1:38 (29:23; 43:31–32; 56:11).
hearts of children to be turned to fathers lest earth be smitten with curse, D&C 2:3 (27:9; 128:18; 138:48; Mal. 4:5–6).
Satan goes up and down in earth, D&C 10:27.
Christ created heavens and earth, D&C 14:9.
the Lord’s arm is over all earth, D&C 15:2.
God is framer of earth, D&C 20:17.
hour is nigh when earth is ripe, D&C 29:9.
there shall be new heaven and new earth, D&C 29:23.
dead to awake before earth passes away, D&C 29:26.
the Lord made earth rich, D&C 38:17.
after Satan is loosed comes end of earth, D&C 43:31.
earth shall tremble, D&C 45:48 (88:87).
earth shall be given to Saints for inheritance, D&C 45:58 (56:20; 63:20; 103:7).
products of earth are ordained for use of man, D&C 49:19 (59:17–19).
the Lord of whole earth, D&C 55:1.
poor and meek shall inherit earth, D&C 56:18 (88:17).
those who obey gospel shall receive good things of earth, D&C 59:3.
earth shall bring forth in its strength, D&C 59:3.
fulness of earth belongs to those who remember Sabbath and fast with thanksgiving, D&C 59:15–16.
things of earth to be used in judgment, not to excess, D&C 59:20.
earth to be transfigured, D&C 63:21.
heavens and earth are in the Lord’s hands, D&C 67:2.
the Lord to come in glory to reign on earth, D&C 76:63.
earth in its sanctified, immortal, and eternal state, D&C 77:1 (130:9).
seven thousand years of earth’s continuance, D&C 77:6.
things of earth shall be added to him who receives with thankfulness, D&C 78:19.
earth clothed with glory of her God, D&C 84:101.
the Lord will shake earth, D&C 84:118.
Christ is light of earth, D&C 88:10.
earth to be sanctified in preparation for celestial glory, D&C 88:18.
earth to be crowned with glory, with presence of God, D&C 88:19 (130:9).
celestial inhabitants shall possess earth, D&C 88:20.
earth abides law of celestial kingdom, D&C 88:25.
earth shall die, be quickened again, and shall abide, D&C 88:26.
course of earth is fixed, D&C 88:43.
all things shall become new upon earth, D&C 101:25.
earth is the Lord’s handiwork, D&C 104:14.
earth is full, D&C 104:17.
earth groans under iniquity, D&C 123:7.
angels who minister to this earth, D&C 130:5.
earth sanctified, to be made like crystal, will be Urim and Thummim, D&C 130:9.
earth to be like it was before it was divided, D&C 133:24.