righteous shall eat fruit of their doings, 2 Ne. 13:10 (Isa. 3:10).
we will eat our own bread, 2 Ne. 14:1 (Isa. 4:1).
every man shall eat flesh of his own arm, 2 Ne. 19:20.
lion shall eat straw like ox, 2 Ne. 21:7 (30:13; Isa. 11:7).
eat, drink, and be merry, 2 Ne. 28:7–8.
missionaries take no thought for what they should eat or drink, Alma 31:37 (3 Ne. 13:25, 31; Matt. 6:25, 31).
God placed cherubim and flaming sword lest man should eat of tree of life, Alma 42:3.
whoso eats Christ’s flesh unworthily eats damnation to his soul, 3 Ne. 18:29.
he that eats this bread eats Christ’s body to his soul, 3 Ne. 20:8.
eat sacrament bread in remembrance of body of the Son, Moro. 4:3.