Egyptian See also Egypt; Language language of Lehi1 consists of learning of Jews and language of Egyptians, 1 Ne. 1:2. the Lord is able to destroy Laban, even as Egyptians, 1 Ne. 4:3. the Lord swallowed up Egyptians in Red Sea, 1 Ne. 17:27 (Alma 36:28; Hel. 8:11). would fathers have been led out of hands of Egyptians if they had not hearkened to the Lord’s words, 1 Ne. 17:23 (Alma 29:12). the Lord destroys tongue of Egyptian sea, 2 Ne. 21:15 (Isa. 11:15). Lehi1 could read engravings because he had been taught in language of Egyptians, Mosiah 1:4. record written in characters called reformed Egyptian, Morm. 9:32. virgins killed upon altar after manner of Egyptians, Abr. 1:11. Egyptians are descendants of Ham, Abr. 1:21–22. characters on plates were Egyptian, JS—H 1:64.