Joseph Smith, first elder of Church, D&C 20:2.
Oliver Cowdery, second elder of Church, D&C 20:3.
elders to bear witness of God’s words, D&C 20:16.
Apostle is elder, D&C 20:38.
duty of elders to conduct meetings as led by the Spirit, D&C 20:45 (46:2).
every elder to be ordained according to gifts and callings of God unto him, D&C 20:60.
elders to bless children, D&C 20:70.
Joseph Smith to be called elder, D&C 21:1.
elders to teach gospel from scriptures, D&C 42:12.
two elders or high priests to be appointed bishop’s counselors, D&C 42:31, 71.
elders to lay hands on sick, D&C 42:44.
elders sent forth to teach, not to be taught, D&C 43:15.
elders to be taught from on high, D&C 43:16.
ordination of elder to teach first principles, D&C 53:3.
elders called to missionary work, D&C 68:8–12 (133:8).
elders to render account of stewardship, D&C 72:5, 16, 19, 25.
office of elder is necessary appendage to high priesthood, D&C 84:29 (107:7).
elders called to travel, D&C 84:111 (124:137).
elders to be endowed with power, D&C 105:11.
first elders should receive their endowment, D&C 105:33.
high priests may officiate in office of elder, D&C 107:10.
high priest and elder are to administer in spiritual things, D&C 107:12.
presiding elders needed to preside over elders, D&C 107:60.
duty of president over office of elders, D&C 107:89.
Joseph Smith, presiding elder over Church, D&C 124:125.
seventies to be traveling elders, D&C 124:139.
send forth elders unto nations, D&C 133:8.
faithful elders continue labors in spirit world, D&C 138:57.