Endless See also End; Eternal; Everlasting; God, Eternal Nature of; Infinite; Misery; Torment Christ is light and life of world, light and life that is endless, Mosiah 16:9. good are resurrected to endless life and happiness, evil to endless damnation, Mosiah 16:11 (Alma 41:4; Hel. 12:26). life time to prepare for endless state after Resurrection, Alma 12:24. devil seeks to hurl souls down to endless wo, Hel. 7:16. greater is value of endless happiness than misery that never dies, Morm. 8:38. Resurrection brings to pass redemption from endless sleep, Morm. 9:13. Endless is God’s name, D&C 19:10. endless punishment is God’s punishment, D&C 19:12 (76:44). name of God is Endless, Moses 1:3 (7:35).