envy of Ephraim shall depart, 2 Ne. 21:13 (Isa. 11:13).
false churches will cause envyings, 2 Ne. 26:21 (Morm. 8:28).
the Lord has commanded that men should not envy, 2 Ne. 26:32.
those who do not belong to Church indulge in envyings, Alma 1:32.
envyings among people of Church, Alma 4:9.
is there one among you who is not stripped of envy, Alma 5:29.
priests preach against envyings, Alma 16:18.
hearts of Nephites swell with great pride, unto envyings, Hel. 13:22.
Mormon2 calls Gentiles to repent of envyings, 3 Ne. 30:2.
no envyings among people after Christ’s visit, 4 Ne. 1:16.
in latter days teachers and leaders of churches will lift themselves up in pride, unto envying, Morm. 8:28.