every man equal according to his family, D&C 51:3, 9.
be equal in temporal things, D&C 70:14.
Church of Firstborn, equal in power, might, dominion, D&C 76:95.
Saints to be equal in both heavenly and earthly things, D&C 78:5.
if not equal in earthly things, cannot be equal in obtaining heavenly things, D&C 78:6.
Saints to have equal claims on property to manage stewardships, D&C 82:17.
Saints to be made equal with the Lamb, D&C 88:107.
every man to have equal privilege, D&C 88:122.
counselor accounted equal with prophet in holding keys of kingdom, D&C 90:6.
Quorum of Twelve equal in authority to that of Presidency, D&C 107:24.
standing high councils form quorum equal in authority to quorum of presidency or traveling high council, D&C 107:36–37.
office of bishop not equal to Presiding High Priest over High Priesthood, D&C 107:68.