Everlasting, Everlastingly See also Endless; Eternal; Eternal Life; God, Eternal Nature of the Lord will do work among men which will be everlasting, 1 Ne. 14:7. Lamanites were encircled with everlasting darkness, but God has brought them into everlasting light, Alma 26:15. teach this people everlasting hatred against sin and iniquity, Alma 37:32. ye have procrastinated day of salvation until everlastingly too late, Hel. 13:38. everlasting decree of God that those who inhabit land must serve him or be swept off, Ether 2:10. charity is everlasting love, Moro. 8:17. everlasting covenant, D&C 1:15 (45:9; 49:9; 66:2; 76:101). everlasting salvation, D&C 6:3 (11:3; 12:3; 14:3; 43:25). new and everlasting covenant, D&C 22:1. everlasting gospel, D&C 27:5 (79:1; 101:39; 138:19, 25). everlasting dominion, D&C 121:46. new and everlasting covenant of marriage, D&C 131:2 (132:6, 19). they shall be gods from everlasting to everlasting, D&C 132:20. everlasting hills, D&C 133:31.