men are instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil, 2 Ne. 2:5 (Hel. 14:31; Moro. 7:16).
fallen angel became devil, having sought that which was evil, 2 Ne. 2:17.
ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil, 2 Ne. 2:18 (Alma 12:31).
because men are redeemed from Fall, they have become free, knowing good from evil, 2 Ne. 2:26.
not choose eternal death, according to will of flesh and evil therein, 2 Ne. 2:29.
wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil, 2 Ne. 15:20 (Isa. 5:20).
trees in vineyard have brought forth evil fruit, Jacob 5:37–38.
because of change of branches, good may overcome evil, Jacob 5:59.
that which is evil comes from devil, Omni 1:25 (Alma 5:40; Moro. 7:12, 17).
the Spirit has wrought mighty change in Benjamin’s people, that they have no more disposition to do evil, Mosiah 5:2 (Alma 19:33).
through Fall, men are in position to act according to wills, whether to do evil or good, Alma 12:31.
he who knows not good from evil is blameless, Alma 29:5.
to him who knows good from evil is given according to his desires, Alma 29:5.
spirits of wicked have no portion of the Spirit, for they choose evil works rather than good, Alma 40:13.
evil works shall be restored unto men for evil, Alma 41:4–5 (Hel. 14:31).
if man has desired evil all day long, he shall have reward of evil when night comes, Alma 41:5.
those who repent and desire righteousness are their own judges, whether to do good or evil, Alma 41:7.
word restoration means to bring back evil for evil, Alma 41:13.
how evil and devilish are children of men, Hel. 12:4.
the Lord has hated Lamanites because their deeds have been evil continually, Hel. 15:4.
deliver us from evil, 3 Ne. 13:12 (Matt. 6:13).
because of Fall, men’s natures have become evil continually, Ether 3:2.
man being evil cannot do that which is good, Moro. 7:6.
if man being evil gives gift, he does it grudgingly, Moro. 7:8.
it is counted evil unto man if he pray without real intent, Moro. 7:9.
whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil comes of devil, Moro. 7:17.
charity thinketh no evil, Moro. 7:45 (1 Cor. 13:5).